Share extended journeys for cost-effective and safer travel experiences

AirHop Connect

connecting students to share Ubers and split the ride costs, ensuring a safer and more affordable way to travel long distances while saving money together.



UX Designer


16 weeks Jan 2022 - May 2022

Project Type

IOS App Design | UI/UX Design | UX Research


Figma (Prototypes, Mockups), Illustrator (Illustrations), Paper+Pen(Rapid Prototyping), Graphic Design(Photoshop)


‼️ Students face significant challenges in finding a convenient and affordable transportation option between Ann Arbor and DTW airport/nearby cities.


Connecting students to share Ubers and split the ride costs

This solution will ensuring a safer and more affordable way to travel long distances while saving money together.


Finding a travel buddy

Users can either search, create a search alert, or publish ride-sharing requests. They can also filter their search based on their preferences.

Connect and plan your trip together

The app allows uses to connect securely with other users, through the internal chat feature in order to share details about the upcoming trip. This will prevents users from sharing sensitive information such as phone number and email.

Share a ride and split the fare

After finishing the trip the app can calculate the trip cost and safely transfer money if needed.
Users can also rate and review other users to create accountability.


I have employed an iterative design process using several UX Research and Design methods

01. Define

- Social Media Mining
- Competitive analysis

02. Empathize

- Interviews
- Personas

03. Synthesize

- Storyboards
- QOC Analysis
- Wire framing

04. Prototype

- Low/High fidelity prototype

05. Validate

- User Testing

Social Media Mining


01. Defining the Problem Space

I went on a social media investigation to gain insights into the transportation challenges faced by University of Michigan students when traveling to and from DTW airport and nearby cities. I identified a common challenge among students: the lack of affordable transportation options to and from DTW airport and nearby cities due to restricted public transportation operating hours and limited availability. As a result, students resort to social media platforms to find fellow travelers for shared taxi or Uber rides. These insights highlight the opportunity to design an app that connects students, addresses their transportation needs, and improves their commuting experiences.

Competitive Analysis

During my competitive analysis, I found that existing solutions such as Lyft and Uber have ride-sharing features that match users based on their general direction of travel, rather than their specific destination. This can result in longer trips when time is of the essence, as users may be paired with others heading in similar but not identical directions. This gap in the market emphasizes the need for a solution that connects people who want to ride share to the same destination, providing a more efficient and time-saving option for travelers.

Insights from Market research

💡 There is no solution that connects people who want to ride share to the same destination together.

💡 Both Lyft and Uber Ride-sharing features match users with people heading in the same direction, not the same destination. This can lead to longer trips when time is the most critical

Need Finding Interviews


Understanding the Students Perspective

In my research, I conducted 5 user interviews, including three out-of-state students, one international student, and a student who transitioned from undergraduate to graduate studies in Ann Arbor. The most crucial distinction emerged between students who lacked local support networks versus those with existing connections in the area, highlighting the specific challenges and needs faced by out-of-state and international students.

Insights from Uses Interviews


It is challenging and uncertain to find reliable taxi services during late-night hours.


Some users face discomfort in asking their friends for early morning rides to the airport.


Users perceive Uber and Lyft as expensive options, and they lack clarity on how the ridesharing feature operates in their specific area.


Individuals express concerns about safety when approaching strangers on social media platforms for ridesharing purposes.

User Persona

Through user interviews, I developed four personas to represent different user types and perspectives. I categorized them into two groups Pro Personas and Anti-Personas.

Pro Personas: I created three pro personas, who are either University of Michigan students or friends of students visiting from out of state. These personas complained of expensive Uber chargers to the airport and expressed interest in finding other people to share the expenses together.

Anti-Persona: Lisa represents the anti-persona. She resides in Ann Arbor and has a strong support network of family and friends who can drive her to the airport, eliminating the need for her to worry about arranging a taxi or transportation service.

Story Mapping


Translating pain points into meaningful user-centric design opportunities

I applied the insights gained from the primary personas I developed. I capture the nuanced variations of tasks within the narrative flow. By understanding the unique needs and goals of each persona, I ensured that the user journey was accurately represented and accounted for. This approach helped me to consider different scenarios and user interactions, leading to a more comprehensive and user-centered design.

Storyboards as Brainstorming Tool

By leveraging sketching and storyboarding techniques, I embraced a broader approach to problem-solving, transcending the constraints of designing solely a mobile app. This allowed me to generate a diverse range of solutions and explore more creative ideas. The flexibility of these methods enabled me to think beyond traditional boundaries and incorporate innovative solutions into my design process.

QOC Analysis, to narrow down the best design choice based on the criteria from user research

Using QOC (Question, Option, Criteria) diagrams, I employed a systematic approach to determine the most suitable tool or solution to proceed with. Drawing upon the insights gained from research and need-finding interviews, I established a list of criteria, including factors like safety, affordability, and availability. By evaluating various options against these criteria, the diagrams played a vital role in guiding my decision-making process. They helped me make informed design choices by identifying the idea that best aligned with user needs, effectively addressed the problem at hand, and fulfilled the design goal.

Based on the research analysis the final solution will be


A phone application that Connects Passengers going to the same destination


User's connect through in app texts and calls to decide on the shared transportations and ensure privacy


To create accountability the app has a rating system and for reminders it is connected to user's calendars

Information Architecture


Designing the user interface of the application

By creating a quick information architecture diagram, I efficiently organized all my design decisions into a cohesive product and established the logical structure of my application prior to prototyping. This allowed me to streamline my thoughts and visually represent the design decisions in an intuitive user flow. By doing so, I was able to avoid the need for significant structural changes once the prototype was developed, saving time and effort.


Why? Explain sketching -- add more digital wireframes?


User Testing


Design iteration to validate my design decisions

I applied the insights gained from the primary personas I developed. I capture the nuanced variations of tasks within the narrative flow. By understanding the unique needs and goals of each persona, I ensured that the user journey was accurately represented and accounted for. This approach helped me to consider different scenarios and user interactions, leading to a more comprehensive and user-centered design.

Searching for other students to share a ride

Search results pages


Ideation and sketching storyboards helped me developed a lot of key features that I would not have included if I started with designing high-fidelity prototypes
One of the key learnings from this project is gaining a comprehensive

understanding of the end-to-end product design process, which involves thoroughly researching the problem space, empathizing with the user, and crafting a high-fidelity prototype that effectively addresses the user's needs.

The app can be more secure and efficient if it was connected to a private transportation service and users can directly schedule their rides